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Saint Ignatius High School

Adoration Planned in Memory of Jim Skerl

On Monday, October 23, the Saint Ignatius community will hold a day of Eucharistic Adoration to coincide with the three-year anniversary of the passing of legendary Theology teacher and C.A.T. co-founder Jim Skerl '74.

When he was making arrangements for his funeral and ways the Saint Ignatius community could appropriately honor him, Jim Skerl '74 wanted things to be kept simple--and kept focused on Christ.

With Jim's wishes in mind and his legacy as strong as ever on our campus, Saint Ignatius will remember the legendary Theology teacher and co-founder of the Christian Action Team with a day of Eucharist Adoration on Monday, October 23, 2017--the three-year anniversary of his passing. This prayerful opportunity will span the length of the school day and include a special service during each period of the school day.

All students will attend as part of their Theology classes. Faculty, staff, families, alumni and friends are all welcome to join for any portion of Adoration during throughout the day, which begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 2:50 p.m.

This initiative is being led by the Christian Action Team and Theology department, two of the groups to which Skerl dedicated his life of teaching and ministry at Saint Ignatius. In the same way that Skerl spent much time in prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament, our community will do so this day.

Guests to campus are also invited to visit the Marian Mall, the prayerful grotto and seating area on the north side of campus dedicated this past May in memory of Skerl and his mentor, longtime Theology teacher Dr. Michael "Doc" Pennock '64. The space includes a bronze casting of Skerl's size 15 footprints, depictions of the Corporal Works of Mercy, and a stunning statue of Our Lady, backed by an old stained glass window of a rose from the old St. Mary's Church.

We hope everyone in our community will take advantage of this special opportunity to grow closer to Christ in the presence of the  Eucharist--just as Jim modeled for us.